Perception of health risks for preschoolers by their parents



  • N. Lebedeva-Nesevria FSSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Prophylactic Health Risk Management Technologies” of Federal State Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumers Protection and Human WellBeing, 614045, Perm, Ordjonikidze str., 82
  • A. Barg Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia


risk perception, children healt, informing about risks, health risk management


The article is dedicated to an important problem of methodological approaches to organization of the process of informing parents of children of preschool age about health risks. The significance of the consideration of the features of health risk perception during the process of informing about risks is pointed out. The special features of health risk perception by the parents of children of preschool age are examined according the empirical sociological researches in Perm Region.


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