Features of maternal representations regarding the individuality of a healthy and frequently ill child



  • S. Zhdanovа Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia
  • L. Korotovskih Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia


cognition of the individuality, mother’s representation of a child's identity, representations of children individuality depending on level of health


The representations of mothers about the individuality of a child are studied. A common field of mothers’ representations of child’s individuality is revealed as well as specific differences in representations in relation to the health of the child. It was found that a healthy child is veiwed by the mother as being more active, successful, reaching higher results in education, sports, compared with an frequently ill child. In the description of a healthy child, mothers often use the features reflecting the opportunities in the development of individuality of a healthy baby, the interests and hobbies of children, a variety of activities. In the process of individuality’slearning of frequently ill children, mothers note such restrictions as eating, social contacts, activities, that number of negative characteristics prevails when describing a child with disabilities compared with the description of a healthy child.


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