Philosophical interpretation of the enemy construction process within the context of psychological and psychoanalytic theories



  • Denis A. Shchukin Saint-Petersburg State University; 5, Mendeleev line, Saint-Petersburg, 199034, Russia


enemy image, psychoanalysis, field theory, behaviorism, Gestalt therapy, dentity, frustration, aggression


The article makes reference to the attempt of analytical reconstruction of the implementation of the subjective aggression using the traditions of social psychology and psychoanalysis. This attempt is presupposed by the fact that enemy is constructed in the topical system of subject. Modern subject is in a constant state of choosing one of two alternatives (1) to provide a strategic security by facing the enemy and encountering the whole horror of this meeting, or (2) to ensure short-term tactical security by avoiding еру meeting and maintaining the great illusion of the world as a space of welfare.


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