Difference as being event: possibility of thinkining
being, event, difference, becoming, differentiation, time, fold, perpendicular, subject, truthAbstract
In the article the concepts “difference” and “event” are considered, the concepts which are attributive for the philosophical thought of XX century. The author analyses the concept “event” in the philosophy of M.Heidegger and the concept “difference” in the philosophy of G.Deleuze. It is pointed out that the end of metaphysical discourse in the modern philosophy is just connected with the critic of the substantioning of the being. The necessity to think the coming-to-be leads not only to the difference of the being, but also to the difference of the difference itself. It is expressed in the specific modal topology of the ontological concepts of “fold” of G.Deleuze and of “perpendicular” of A. Badiou.References
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