Explciit and implicit attitudes toward muslims among russian undergraduates identifying themselves with orthodox church
implicit attitudes, confessions, Muslims, right-wing authoritarianism, social attitudesAbstract
Implicit and explicit attitudes toward Muslims among Orthodox undergraduates at Perm State University have been investigated. Implicit attitudes were measured by Implicit Association Test, whereas explicit attitudes were measured using the “evaluation” subscale of semantic differential. Implicit and explicit attitudes did not correlate between each other. While explicit attitudes did not differ significantly from neutral, implicit attitudes were negative regarding Muslims. At the behavioral level, contrary to explicit attitudes, implicit ones predicted recommended budget cuts for Muslims and Orthodox Church in directions concordant with hypotheses. Finally, implicit attitudes were inverted-U-related with right-wing authoritarianism: implicit attitudes toward Muslims were positive when right-wing authoritarianism was either high or low, whereas middle degree authoritarians demonstrated negative implicit attitudes toward Muslims. The results are discussed and compared with those studies published earlier.References
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