Formation of philosophy of technology in the context of nonclassical scientific methodology
science, technology, non-classical methodology of science, philosophy of technology, the paradigm, the projection of organs, personAbstract
Implemented philosophical and methodological analysis of the formation of philosophy of technology as a separate branch of philosophical knowledge in the non-classical paradigm of scientific rationality in the last third of the XIX – early XX centuries. Draws attention to the significant changes in the methodology of science, which contributed to the formation of non-classical rationality. Defined causes the formation of a new paradigm of technology and its main features. It concludes that modern ideas about technology are the result of a long evolution not only of philosophy, but also the general scientific views on the technique by which have been developed methodological principles are defined methodological foundations and approaches that havecontributed to a better understanding of the phenomenon of technology within non-classical methodology of science.References
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