Problem of language and reality correlation in structural antropology of K. Levi-Straus. Analysis of structural method in research of primitive tribes systems of relationship



  • Elena A. Kokareva Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia


language, reality, structuralism, structural anthropology, K. Levi-Straus, unconscious structure, system of relationship


The article considers the evolution of the ideas of popular the Western-European currents — structuralism: from linguistics F. de Saussure to structural anthropology French ethnographer 40–50-ies of XX century K. Levi-Straus. The thinker finds structural similarity between language and reality; he considers all the phenomena of cultural life of the person through the language (system of relationship, rituals, customs, mythology, paintings etc). In philosophy and the Humanities, thus, gets support the idea of the relative autonomy of the language, its influence on reality. The author of the article considers the problem of correlation of language and culture (reality) in the program of structural anthropology, gives the analysis of structural method K. LeviStraus.


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