Ontological basis of creativity in different philosophical systems



  • Timur F. Suleimanov Ufa branch of Moscow State Academy of Water Transport; 275, Akhmetov str., 450017, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia
  • Ural A. Каshapov Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov; 14, Lenin str., Ufa, 450017, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia


person, activity, creativity, self-realization, transformation of the human nature, inner potential


This article is devoted to the problem of creativity. The authors consider it as a form of the person selfrealization and in conformity with these problems they investigate a historical and philosophical aspect of this theme. In different ways of the philosophic thought the authors research the phenomenon of creativity. It is an integral component of the human activity that has a purpose to transform the environment and a person himself. Premises and specifics of Marxist interpretation of human creativity are analyzed.


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