Nenashev M.I. Introduction to philosophy: school-book for masters and postgraduates. Kirov: VyatSUH, 2013. 259 р.



  • Sergey D. Lobanov Perm State Academy of Art and Culture; 18, Gazety Zvezda str., Perm, 614000, Russia


The textbook includes ten topics whose designation represents the logic of "Introduction to Philosophy": 1. Philosophy and worldview. 2. Ancient philosophy. 3. Christian philosophy. 4. Philosophy of the New Age. 5. Russian philosophy of the 19th and 20th centuries. 6. Modern philosophy. 7. Genesis. 8. Knowledge of reality. 9. Culture and civilization. 10. Values. At first glance, it might seem surprising that the work on Introduction to Philosophy lacks a theme on the subject, tasks, methods, functions, etc., of philosophy. However, the handbook is addressed to students at that level of education where the school of independent reflection is important, i.e. Masters and PhD students.


Ненашев М.И. Введение в философию: уч. пособ. для магистров и аспирантов. Киров: Изд-во ВятГГУ, 2013. 259 с.

