The relation of Perm region competition in professional skill among social service’s nominees to the procedure of participation in public Internet vote
Informatization, Information Technologies, The Internet, Internet-Vote, Social Work, Social ServicesAbstract
The scientific and methodical analysis of use of the Internet vote technology in the competition of professional skill among social service providers in Perm Krai «Calling – 2012» is presented in this article; the efficiency of this technology in promotion of the public status and improvement of image of a profession is shown; the results of questionnaire of Internet vote nominees about their impressions about a voting procedure and the changes which have occurred as the result in their private and professional life are considered. On the basis of experience of the Internet vote organization, some recommendations to public authorities on increase of efficiency of social work informatization and positioning of this sphere in the Internet according to requirements of modern society are developed.References
Конкурс профессионального мастерства среди работников учреждений социального обслуживания населения Пермского края: материалы интернет-голосования / сост. С.Е. Гасумова; под ред. С.А. Востриковой; Агентство по управлению соц. службами Перм. края: Перм. гос. нац. иссл. ун-т. Пермь, 2012.
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