R. Bart semiology: script, ideology, mythology
language, reality, structure, structuralism, sign, semiology, mythology, ideology, connotation, R. BarthAbstract
The article deals with a semiology by French philosopher R. Barth. Barth suggested the idea of the structural similarity of language and reality, the autonomy, substantive language. Also, R. Barth discoved commanding powers of language, which as a special connotation (secondary, related) meanings form hidden, not recognizedby people the ideological level; this level includes illusions and stereotypes of the society. The combination of connotative signified represents the myths of modern society. Ideological, or mythological meanings create a false image of reality that «fakes» the real things and phenomena. Man, therefore, is locked in language space,which subordinates and regulates thoughts, views and actions.References
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