The specificity of human adaptation mechanism and its break as the cause of sociobiological crisis



  • Anton I. Zhelnin Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia


environment, adjustment, maladjustment, homeostasis, allostasis, sociobiological crisis, desychronization, stress, coevolution


Article shows that human adaptation and adaptation of the animal are qualitatively different processes because human adaptation doesn’t need specialized morphological device. Human existence based on the capacities and abilities to transform environment consciously and universally at the labor process. However, it is noted that human adaptation retains its basic homeostatic mechanisms. The author concludes that during the exponential acceleration of the social transformations the situation of complex stress and havoc are taking placewhich leads to social and biological desychronization. That’s why the state of common disadaptation could be reviewed as one of the bases of sociological crisis.

Author Biography

Anton I. Zhelnin, Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Ph.D. student, assistant to the Philosophy Department


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