About the «ingenuousness»
the dialectics, the self, the ingenuousness, the mediate, the knowledge, the thought, the identity, the reflection, the dereflection;, the dereflection, the creativityAbstract
The article reviews the existing of «ingenuousness» and it’s interaction with mediate. The feasibility of procedure’s demarcation in «inner vision» that allows to distinguish single fragments for discerning and determination. It turns out that interaction of ingenuousness and mediate doesn’t mean development. But when does the «ingenuousness» exist? How does it appear? The article attemps to be as «ingenuousness» as not to be one. To be «reflective» and not to be one. There is a temptation to see «ingenuousness» as some «stairs walking». Doesn’t matter either up, to the shine or down, to the gloom. Every step «I» am ready to reach is, perhaps, amove towards «the depth». But what? Senses?References
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