The genealogy marginal subjectivity, the history of sexuality M. Foucault
anthropology, archeology, madness, hermeneutics, genealogy, discourse, marginal, sexualityAbstract
The article presents the analyze of the problem of the subject in the context of it’s history of Sexuality. The analyze is based on the difference between historiographic and marginal ways of learning Michel Foucault’s views. The marginal component of the views on the person associated in the project of the history of sexualityis being considering in the article. Also seriously considers the problem of eligibility of genealogical methods of F. Nietzsche and M. Foucault. The modification of genealogy by three types of subjects destructiveness of historical cognition. The traditional for M. Foucault’s archeology issue of the «ability to insanity» fosters modification of the history of sexuality. The conditions of conducting comparative analogy between the ancient text of M. Heidegger and the way of antiquity in the history of sexuality M. Foucault are being determinating in the article.References
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