Being and non-being ontological relationship key elements in ancient philosophy and some modern concepts



  • Vladimir А. Krasilnikov Branch of Kazan Federal University in Naberezhnye Chelny; Naberezhnye Chelny, 423812, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia


being, non-being, negation, non-existence, ontology, nonesseologia, dialectical method, nothing, something


The relationship of fundamental philosophical concepts of being and non-being, dialectically connected and disconnected at the same time by the essential characteristics of the content is considered. The idea that these categories do not come into conflict but complement each other in the epistemological sense is offered.Against the background of some philosophy concepts analysis the attempt to prove the mutual existence of being and non-being without the negation of each other is undertaken, wherein the problem of root case and a priority value of each entity of these relationships is left open for further research. Presented historical and philosophical analysis of the ratio rationale of both concepts substantively complements objectively existing contradictions and problems.

Author Biography

Vladimir А. Krasilnikov , Branch of Kazan Federal University in Naberezhnye Chelny; Naberezhnye Chelny, 423812, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

associate director


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