Social mechanisms of business regulation



  • Kirill B. Safonov Novomoskovsk Institute (branch) of Russian D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemistry and Technology; 8, Druzhby str., Novomoskovsk, 301665, Russia


business, society, social regulation, social responsibility


The peculiarities of business are defined by the key characteristics of the society in which it is carried out. The aim of the article is the investigation of the social regulation of modern entrepreneurship. To understand the essence of this process the main characteristics of the business as a social institution are analyzed. The factors of comprehensive cooperation of the society and business structures are defined. Great attention is paid to the issues of corporate social responsibility. When studying the identified problems the author defines the essence of social control and cooperation of society and the representatives of business. The set of mechanisms of social regulation of entrepreneurship is considered in the context of approaches to the interaction between business and modern society. The main social factors of full realization of the potential of entrepreneurship as an inseparable part of the society are identified.

Author Biography

Kirill B. Safonov, Novomoskovsk Institute (branch) of Russian D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemistry and Technology; 8, Druzhby str., Novomoskovsk, 301665, Russia

D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of Management


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