Love for videoregistrars in Russia: socio-cultural peculiarities of mentality or protection from corruption of road police?
videoregistrars, automobile, culture, mentality, rights, authority, lawAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the event, seemingly, not having any relation to social science — the fall of the meteorite near Chelyabinsk. However, this social case reveals the entire strata of the social and cultural realities, that help us better to understand both some mental attitudes of the Russians and the policy of the Russian government to a number of aspects of information law. In the article we thoroughly analyze the reasons of interest motorists to videoregistrars, the peculiarities of their use, reveal the prospects of application of this gadget as a method of fixation of information by motorists in the light of a number of innovations in the field of legislative activity of the authority. Authors suggests, that asserting of right on using of videoregistrars is evidence of Russian society democratic potential.References
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