Views on business ethics of russians: inter-generational differences



  • Vera A. Goldyreva Perm Branch of National Research University «Higher School of Economics»; 38, Studencheskaya str., Perm, 614070, Russia


inter-generational differences, business ethics, views on business ethics


The results of researching of differences in views on business ethics among different generations of Russians are presented. In research took part representatives of adult generation (33–72 years) and youth (19–28 years). On the basis of literature on this subject have been put forward the following hypotheses: first, for young people more important are informal relations, social communication in the view of young generation is the condition of business success, and thirdly, for the young woman leadership is more common phenomenon than for adults. By means of factor analysis it has been revealed that there are 5 factors which lie in the basis of viewson business ethics in Russia. They are: «Business enterprise», «Illegibility in means», «Focusing on team work», «Neglect to business, focus on communication», «Straightforwardness in affairs. Significant intergenerational differences in views on business ethics of Russians» are determined. Significant distinctions between groups of young and adult respondents on factors «Business enterprise», «Orientation to team work», «Neglect to business, orientation in touch» and «Straightforwardness in affairs» were revealed.

Author Biography

Vera A. Goldyreva, Perm Branch of National Research University «Higher School of Economics»; 38, Studencheskaya str., Perm, 614070, Russia

master's in psychology


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