The peculiarities of professional socialization subjects of entrepreneurial activity
socialization, personal and professional development, environmental awareness, professional activities, business entitiesAbstract
Article examines the contents of personal-professional development of economic subjects. The results of theoretical analysis of the problem of socialization of economic subjects are identified. Explains what is meant by professional socialization entrepreneurs. Particular attention is focused on a role of environmental awareness in the professional formation of economic subjects. The main factors shaping the ecological consciousness of businesses are discussed. The author dwells on the model of professional environmental and economic behaviour. The levels of professional environmental maturity are analysed. Disclosed are methods of achieving effective results of professional socialization of economic subjects. Noted that the active professional socialization begins with awareness entrepreneur of his own «I» in the system of ecological and economic relations, with their mastery of skills to use ecological and economic knowledge in practice. The conclusion about the importance of individualization in the professional socialization of economic actors is made.References
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