Psychological configuration of the preimage in the process of creative perception of the world



  • Olena M. Borovytska Institute of Psychology named after G.S. Kostyukof NAPS of Ukraine; 2, Pankovskaya str., Kiev, 01033, Ukraine


pre-image, psychological configuration, strategy, creative perception of the world, system and strategical approach, phenomenology


In the article the concept of «psychological configuration» is used in combination with the concept of «preimage» and is seen as the potential and sustainable category of psychology of creativity called «psychological configuration of pre-image». In the context of our perspectives, «pre-image» is characterized as the psychical determinant of the creative perception of the world. The notion of «psychological configuration» is understood as some initial principle of integrity and sustainability, defining features of the structural and functional organization and regulation of human psyche activity in the process of perception. The structural and functionalfeatures of «pre-image» are studied within the phenomenologically oriented system and strategical approach. The actuality of the scientific concept of strategical organization and regulation of the process of creativity, developed by the famous Ukrainian psychologist V.O. Molyako is demonstrated.

Author Biography

Olena M. Borovytska , Institute of Psychology named after G.S. Kostyukof NAPS of Ukraine; 2, Pankovskaya str., Kiev, 01033, Ukraine

D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor,D. student in the Laboratory of Psychology of Creativity


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