About relationship of utopian and realistic in the social processes
social process, social cognition, utopian, realistic, social ideal;, social ideal, social illusion, a social experiment, the subject-researcher, innovation subject-subject relations, the subject-object relationshipAbstract
The author represents the society as a whole system, which has dialectic utopian and realistic tendencies. With the help of philosophical and methodological tools, the author constructs a system of categories, which reveal the essence of the problem. The social process as a movement, development, alteration society is always accompanied by the formation of new concepts, ideas, visions, which are either adequately reflect the social realty. Utopian tendency of social processes takes it place as the result of inadequate reflection of social reality. The research of those and other trends, demonstrates the necessity to determine the essence of social illusions. Subject-object and subject-subject relations, which determine the specificity of the knowledge society are included in the social process. The main aim goal of philosophy is to identify the essential foundations of realistic and utopian trends of the society.References
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