Parental work stimulation at perinatal and infant periods of child evolution: contemporary practice analysis
parental work, state social policy, the subject of parental work, encouraging of parental workAbstract
The article is devoted to a relatively new category in sociology — the category of parental work. This type of work is considered as an activity by birth, care, education, training and development of children, their socialization and further professionalisation. This activity aimed at the formation and development of human capital and performed by parents and other subjects of work.The subject of research are the key parameters of parental work, implemented on the perinatal stage. Purpose the research — to identify the similarities and differences between state social policies of some countries, helping to stimulate parental work at this stage. In this article support measures that exist in New Zealand, Croatia, Sweden, Iceland and Russia are analysed. As a result of the research, we have identified the differentiation of countries according to the following parameters to stimulate parental work on perinatal stage: the subject of parental work, whose work is stimulated; presence / absence of measures of stimulation of preparation for the implementation of quality work on the perinatal stage; presence / absence of support of the decision of the subject of work to combine the parental and professional work; presence of measures in state policy which aimed at the preservation of the workplace in the sphere of professionallabor for the period of parental work. The advantages and disadvantages of currently implemented measures of support of parental work on the prenatal stage are revealed.Results of the study develop an understanding of the phenomenon of parental work in sociology of family, sociology of labor and demography. In addition, they can be useful to specialists of the sphere of state and municipal government, concerned with the questions of family and demographic policy, development of human capital.References
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