Individuality activity: concept and structure
activity, individuality, integral individuality, subject, levels of integral individualityAbstract
The article is based on Perm school tradition of systematic study of human individuality and activity. Methodological base of the research are the works of V.S. Merlin, L.Y. Dorfman, A.A. Volochkov, above all, integrative conception of holistic life-sustaining activity. The activity of the individual is regarded as a dynamic system formation, which characterizes the measure of subjective individuality interaction with its world, representing a synthesis of integrative activity of different levels of integral individuality. Empirical basis of studies of the structure of activity of the individual, organized and presented in the article are the works of A.A. Volochkov (2007; 2015) E.Y. Roslyakova (2009), A.Y. Popov (2010; 2015).The article presents a confirmatory model for holistic activity of the individuality. This model was for the first time ever obtained in the empirical study of the interaction of different types of activities at different levels of integrated individuality. The fact of receipt of this model and its characteristics support the deductive hypothesis of the existence of a «general» activity of a single individual, in which its numerous manifestations interact at different levels. It was found that the greatest contribution to the overall activity of the individual makes the activity of the higher levels of integrated individuality (the activity of the person and the subject). However, confirmatory model of activity of the individuality has significant contribution of activity of its dispositional characteristics (temperament, activity). Application of the results: for specialists of higher professional education.References
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