The concept of human in the philosophy of Karl Marx: the experience of reconstruction
the subjective factor in history, alienation, practice, Karl Marx, the concept of «whole man», class struggle, revolution, communismAbstract
The article discusses the anthropological issues in the philosophy of Karl Marx as a central theme of all his ideological and theoretical pursuit. In the early period of his work Marx was seriously keen in anthropological ideas of his predecessors J.G. Fichte, G.W.F. Hegel, L. Feuerbach, and others, but pretty soon abandoned the historical andphilosophical reflection, and began to develop an independent political and socio-economic project in which these anthropological ideas were to be implemented in practice. There followed Marx's definition of his philosophy as «practical materialism». That is why the founder of the world communist movement for the first time in the history of philosophical thought could consider questions of formation and development of the «whole man», his selfrealization, the problems of the individual and collective relationships, happiness, creativity, and the other on the richsocial material. However, the magnitude of the tasks set by K. Marx, did not allow him to create a complete philosophical system. The result of this was the loss of the sense of incompleteness of the keys to the legacy of the «first Marxist», which was interpreted by his followers as an exclusively political and socio-economic project. This fact was the main reason for attempts of Western and domestic researchers to reconstruct Marx's anthropological concept with a detailed analysis of its ideological origins, evolution and historical destiny. The experience of such reconstruction propose in this article.References
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