Social attitudes and narcotizm among young people (on the example of Tyumen region)



  • Yana Nikolaevna Nakhimova Tyumen State University, 6, Volodarskiy str., Tyumen, 625003, Russia;
  • Gulnara Fatykhovna Romashkina Tyumen State University, 6, Volodarskiy str., Tyumen, 625003, Russia



narkotizm, youth, risk, values, attitudes, factors


The paper describes the attitudes of young people that can have an impact on the practice of narcotizm. In the article the dynamics of drug use in Russia are analyzed, narcotization factors among youth is recorded. Materials that are discussed in this article are based on the sociological quantitative research, which complement each other. The sample size in 2010 was 927 people in 2011 — 1025, in 2013 — 759 persons (first study). Additional study carried out in 2015, included a survey of 350 of the city of Tyumen residents over the age of 18 years (second study). The use of drugs among young people in some cases transformed from curiosity, inclusion in the social environment in a self-sufficient value, legitimize drug use, which in itself constitutes a serious social problem. The dynamics of drug use in Russia analyzed, and factors of drug use in youth recorded. Youth distinguished as a «narcotization» (with experience of drug use) and «denarcotization» (which has no history of drug use) groups. Features of social attitudes of youth groups are shown. The main factors of the growth of drug use include social risks youth, social environment, selective attitude to the types of drugs, the legitimation of drug use in their own environment. Currently, there is no clear anti-drug barrier in Russia, built a society on the way counter-narcotizm among young people.

Author Biographies

Yana Nikolaevna Nakhimova , Tyumen State University, 6, Volodarskiy str., Tyumen, 625003, Russia;

Ph.D. Student of Institute of Finance and Economics

Gulnara Fatykhovna Romashkina , Tyumen State University, 6, Volodarskiy str., Tyumen, 625003, Russia

Doctor of Sociology, Professor,Headof the Department of Mathematical Methods,Information Technologies and Management Systemsin Economics


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