Flowing of the «the three year old child´s crisis» in relation to the factors of age, gender, family strucrure and socialization of the child
age crisis, manifestations of the «3 year old childґs crisis», «pride of achievement», negativistic symptoms, neurotic reactions, family structure, complete/one-parent families, siblings, socializationAbstract
This article is devoted to analysis of manifestations of the «3 year old child’s crisis» in relation to the factors of age, gender, family structure (complete/one-parent family, the presence of sibling, amount of children) and socialization of the child. The study involved 117 mothers of the children (65 boys and 52 girls) from Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region. The age of children — from 2 years 1 month to 3 years 11 month, Mage = 3 years. Psychodiagnostic ethods were applied. The study revealed that the constructive component of the crisis «pride of achievement» was more pronounced, neurotic reactions were less pronounced that indicates on favorable picture of crisis manifestations. «3 year old childґs crisis» is more pronounced after 2 years 10 months, the period from 2 years 1 month to 2 years 9 months is characterized by signs of subcritical phase. Most of the gender differences were found in acute phase of the crisis. The emergence of the words «I», «Me myself», «I want/ I don’t want», «I will/ I will not» is the mechanism of the crisis. A faster temp of language development in girls leads to the earlier formation of the constructive component of the crisis. With regard to the factors of family structure, the constructive component of the crisis is better formed in children without siblings and in families where mothers are actively involved in the upbringing process. The factors «complete/one-parent family» and «amount of children» influence on the negativistic manifestations of the crisis — in complete families and families with three children (compared with two) parents better cope with child’s protest behavior. Children with siblings often manifest jealousy and somatic reactions to the crisis. Going to kindergarten after a period of adaptation promotes the formation of constructive component of the crisis.References
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