Evolutionary epistemology of evolutionarybiological preconditions knowledge



  • Liliya Richardi Danakari International Slavonic Institute (Volgograd branch), 22, Academicheskaya str., Volgograd, 400001, Russia




evolutionary epistemology, biology of cognition, evolutionary-biological theory, natural selection, the truth, the cognitive apparatus


The article is devoted to the biological theory of evolution influence on modern epistemology and to the reverse process of the natural science influence biological phenomena in particular on the cognitive processes. It opens up real possibilities to explain many cognitive phenomena.According to the author evolutionary epistemology based on the new results in the theory of evolution opens up new prospects to study human cognitive apparatus. In modern conditions human cognitive abilities should be considered not only as a simple, linear process of rational and cultural human abilities development but also as a result of the ongoing natural and biological evolution of the individual which allows to make new cognitive and theoretical conclusions and individual investigations. Basing on the natural science achievements evolutionary epistemology uses ideas and mechanisms of biological evolution to disclose both rational and relevant irrational abilities. It is not a secret that the cognitive evolutionary theory, together with its descriptive and explanatory elements contains certain explicative and normative elements that distinguish it as a kind of metascientific discipline. As a result the evolutionary epistemology becomes both a «biology of cognition» and «biology of cognitive processes». Despite the existence of multiple evolutionary factors which affect the development of the cognitive process, including its various kinds, the author warns against exaggerating of the role and place of the biological evolution on human cognitive abilities.

Author Biography

Liliya Richardi Danakari , International Slavonic Institute (Volgograd branch), 22, Academicheskaya str., Volgograd, 400001, Russia

Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professorof the Departmentof General Humanitarianand Mathematical Disciplines


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The date of the manuscript receipt 28.01.2016

