The sociological approaches to the study of professional self-determination
professional self-determination, the history of sociology, culture, theory of features, the theory of practice, the practical turn, social technology, background practicesAbstract
In the focus of this article is the transformation of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of professional self-determination on the sociology. The author reviewed the transformation of research frameworks by this problem in the context of competition and changing paradigms. On the basis of analysis of domestic and foreignscientific literature the author makes a suggestion about the existence of three basic steps in determining the nature and objectives in the formation of the professional structure of the society.A feature of the first stage, based on the ideas of the classical theories of sociology and features of Max Weber, is the dominance of the ideas of professional selection in the formation of social and professional structure. The second stage (the second half of XX century) includes sociological researches related to the adaptation of young people tothe existing social structure. Based on the ideas of structural functionalism, researchers and practicians focus on the necessity of a competent distribution of young people on socially relevant positions of social space (both social and professional, and territorial).Because of the changes in the methodological foundations of social sciences related to the ideas of the «practical turn» and the reference to the categories of culture, the author singles out the third stage in the study and support of professional self-determination of young people possible to the theoretical basis of which the theory of practices.References
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