Modernization potential of values of middle-aged people (the case study of Perm Krai)
middle age, values, structure of values, modernization, modernization potentialAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study modernization potential of values of middle-aged people. It shows the importance of studying axiological orientations as subjective measurements of modernization. This in case allows to characterise overall readiness of human potential to participate in a process of modernization. A group of middleaged people is the object of the study. Analysis of the value structure of middle-aged people is presented on the basis of formalized surveys which was carried out in the Perm Krai (N = 1000, 2014). The role and place of such important values as initiative, proactivness, self-sufficiency, creativity and an innovation-oriented mindset are defined in the structure of values of the analysed socio-demographic group. Comparative analysis of the values of the middle-aged and older people is presented. Intra-group differences in values among middle-aged people are identified. The study found out that with age the importance of values such as conformity, tradition, benevolence and universalism increases, and the importance of values such as risk, novelty, hedonism, achievement, power and wealth decreases slightly. It shows that the modernization potential of values of middle-aged people is higher than that of older age groups. The investigation concludes that the value structure of middle-aged people is an important motivationalfactor to participate in the modernization processes, specifics of values should be taken into account in the realization of the modernization.References
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