Sociological models of social security
system of social protection, social insurance, social services, social security, social guarantees state social policyAbstract
The article discusses the features of the formation of the system of social protection of the population in European countries and in Russia. The authors describe the different models of social protection of population, analyse specificcs of social help in different historical stages, periodize system of social protection of population.The first stage (pre-industrial) — the end of the XIX century – the 20s of the XIX century. During this period laid the basic foundation of labor protection and formation of the mandatory social insurance system. The second stage — 20–60-ies of the XIX century, industrial. Evolution of system of social protection of population has different pace, that is why the approaches to it are different. The third stage formation in Europe runs from 60-ies of XX century. The most effective social protection system models are added during this period in the European Union.Comparative analysis led to the conclusion of the transition from models where the leading role played by the public sector, to a new model in which the basic functions for the social protection of the population take on social structures. Financial support is provided by the commercial sector. The state in this case acts as a guarantor of the inter-sector cooperation. Public institutions are beginning to rely on financial support from the commercial sector. The state in this case acts as a guarantor of this kind of cooperation on the basis of social partnership.References
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