Social solidarity in classical sociological theory



  • Kristina Otarievna Somhishvily Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia



social solidarity, sobornost, classical sociology


The analysis of category of social solidarity in works of classics of sociology is presented in the article. It is in their works the basics of understanding and measurement of solidarity were laid, its main characteristics are described, reasons of appearence, forms and typologies are presented. The specificity of foreign and domestic authors in the interpretation of social solidarity has been identified in the article. For the first it is characterized by the excretion of social solidarity based on the rules, regulations or contract. Second, in general, talk about the existence of solidarity in person and apply to its analysis through morality and sobornost. Classics of Sociology asked the directionof further consideration of the idea of solidarity, as a social phenomenon, it was transferred from the plane of speculative constructs in the plane of the real facts, empirically observable practices. The main problems, arising in the study of social solidarity, have been designated by them. They gave the description of the dual nature of this phenomenon.

Author Biography

Kristina Otarievna Somhishvily , Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Ph.D. Student, Assistant of Department of Sociology


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