Specificity of colour preferences determined by the mental state of marijuana smokers in remission



  • Alexandra Yurievna Bergfeld Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia
  • Elena Alekseevna Drongo LLC «Continent», 9/1, Pyatiletok av., Saint-Petersburg, 193318, Russia




colour preferences, mental state, marijuana smokers, remission


The article is aimed at revealing the relation between the mental state of marijuana smokers in remission and their colour preferences. The results of the research of colour preferences in accordance with the essential components of the mental state structure and modality are given. The hypothesis about the influence of the mental state ofmarijuana smokers in remission on colour preferences are tested. The differences in the relationship of mental status and color preferences of marijuana smokers compared to non-smokers are analyzed. The table of the colour preferences of marijuana smokers in their relations to the relevant components and modality of the mental state is presented. As a result marijuana smokers reject black colour on behavioral and impressive levels of mental state. In general, the rejection of warm colors is specific to smokers. The difference of color preference at the level of physiological reactions of mental state is clearly demonstrated. Non-smokers tend to reject of black, smoking — the preference of green. It was found that smoking marijuana affects the color preferences. Smokers brighter than that of non-smokers, expressed such mental conditions as loneliness, freedom of choice, the discrepancy between the real and the ideal «I», freedom of will, the hopelessness, the feeling of restlessness. Negative influence of drug using on psyche needs further researches.

Author Biographies

Alexandra Yurievna Bergfeld , Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Ph.D. in Psychology, Docent, Associate Professorof Department of General and Clinical Psychology

Elena Alekseevna Drongo , LLC «Continent», 9/1, Pyatiletok av., Saint-Petersburg, 193318, Russia

Inspector of Human Resources Department


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