«Matrix» illness of a man in socio-philosphical dimension



  • Natalia Evgenyevna Galochkina Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, 10/1, Minin and Pozharsky sq., Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russia




illness, man, matrix, the matrix structure of the disease, the binary coding system, «being-in-itself», «being-for-us», decoding, derivation, «the symbols» of the disease


In the current research on the philosophical structure of disease it has received insufficient attention. There are several concepts regarding the search for the philosophical essence of this phenomenon — objective, subjective, hybrid, alternative and social. However, none of them represent a complex philosophical analysis of the morphology of the disease.The article presents the results of the philosophical study of the structure of the phenomenon of disease. Structure of disease is depicted as a «matrix» system of binary encoding, where the first code «being-in-itself» is related to quantity-quality neutral value of «0». This means that the painful condition is inherent in living matter a priori byspace of the life-world. Although this code allows the impact from the outside, it exists as a given necessity. The second code «being-for-us» contains all the known criteria of the human being — biological, social, historical, cultural, spiritual, mental, etc., and has its own quantity-quality characteristics. It includes synthesis of the various dimensions of the human being and is correlated with a positive value of «1».Implicit disease code is transformed into explicit «symbols of disease» by the decoding, while the implementation of that takes place in three stages. Decode «matrix of human disease» is accompanied by a derivational process. As a result of this or that variability, «the image of the disease» is projected to the outside world.

Author Biography

Natalia Evgenyevna Galochkina , Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, 10/1, Minin and Pozharsky sq., Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russia

Ph.D. Student of Department of Social and HumanitySciences


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