History and trends of the researches of the phenomenon of tolerance
: interdisciplinary researches, tolerance, multiculturalismAbstract
The article concerns and compare different concepts of the phenomenon of tolerance of Russian and foreign researchers. Philosophical, social, political, cultural and linguistic aspects of tolerance are highlighted. Nowadays there is a great interest in the evolution of value of tolerance in the context of globalization and multiculturalism. Howeverperspectives of its study by foreign and Russian researchers differ due to cultural, economic and political specifics. Future researches will deal not only with its social and political aspects, but also with existential, cultural, linguistic and axiological ones. The concept of tolerance still lacks in the conceptual sphere of Russians or there is a slighttrend of its appearance. It seems, however, that in a short tie the concept will be fored and will take a substantial place in Russian national concept sphere. One of the reasons of it is the annihilation of differences between Russian and European systems of values. The mentality of Russians is ready to accept the concept of tolerance, although thetime is needed to make it one of the key cultural values.References
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