Peculiarities of moral sphere of architecture and construction students in innovative situations



  • Veronika Alievna Artemyeva Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 4, 2-Krasnoarmeyskaya str., Saint-Petersburg, 190005, Russia



the moral orientation, innovative process, decision-making in a situation of a moral choice


Participants of innovative process should constantly make the choice concerning ethical standards of human relations as each innovation so, or otherwise, concerns a material, social or psychological state of the participating. Violation of ethical standards at any stage of an innovative cycle can bring to difficult situations, even to tragic consequences. The paper describes the socio-psychological characteristics of decision-making in situations of moral choice of the person involved in the innovation process in different social roles: a creator of innovations; a manager who is engaged in introduction of innovations and a performer, implementing innovations. The technique of an assessment of psychological features of a moral choice in the situations connectedwith innovative process is offered.

Author Biography

Veronika Alievna Artemyeva , Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 4, 2-Krasnoarmeyskaya str., Saint-Petersburg, 190005, Russia

PhD. in Psychology, Docent, Associate Professorof Department of Organization Management


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