Personality traits and reflexive characteristic adaptations: the isomorphism or a polymorphism?
personality traits, five-factor theory, factor analysisAbstract
The present study examined the previously hypothesized isomorphism in the structures of personality traits and their reflexive characteristic adaptations. One hundred thirty undergraduates completed a Russian version of the Big Five Inventory and a number of its modifications aimed to four reflexive characteristic adaptations including trait efficacy, meta-traits, attitudes toward traits, and meta-attitudes toward traits. To test the isomorphism hypothesis, Tucker’s congruence coefficient was employed which sought for an iterative congruence of the five-factor structures of traits and reflexive adaptations. However, the full isomorphism was warranted for meta-traits only. For trait efficacy, the factor congruence was manifested regarding three traits―conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness . Four traits demonstrated similarity regarding attitudes toward traits, whereas among meta-attitudes a similarity was found for conscientiousness only. To determine the numbers of factors that should be retained for reflexive characteristic adaptations, seven various statisticalcriteria were used and a number of logical steps for the final decision were developed. A 7-factor solution was found to be optimal for trait efficacy. Along with two factors relevant for the five-factor model — namely the efficacy in conscientious- and neurotic-driven situations — the solution includes the factors of the efficacy in creativity- and erudition-driven situations originated from the openness factor as well as the efficacy in situations of hostility, reserved tactfulness, and positive sociability. The two-factor solutions consistent with the stability/plasticity model fitted best for attitudes and meta-attitudes toward traits.References
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