The army and masculinity in the context of the patriarchal system of modern society
army, modern society, a social institution, Patriarchal ideology, masculinity, feminist, the feminization of the armyAbstract
The article deals with the specificity of the army as masculinity and social institution in modern society. The study marked its functions and key features. The authors explore the relationship of the army with Patriarchal ideology, values of the male culture, tradition polarization of masculinity and femininity, exclusion, suppression of the feminine and masculine approval. They show some social, including gender, mechanisms of institutionalization masculinizing army. Described what is happening in some countries changes of the armed forces, due to the democratization and transformation of gender relations. It is stated that the emerging recent trend of feminization of the Russian army is external in nature, without affecting its essential framework, systems of internal relations. The authors makes conclusion about the presence in modern Russian army contradictions, reflecting societal trends.References
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