The social environment of the modern Russian ruling elite (based on publications of representatives of the political party «United Russia»)
ideology, environment of the political elite, political party «United Russia»Abstract
The subject under analysis are publications of representatives of the political party «United Russia». In the author’s opinion, this organization represents and protects mainly the interests of the ruling elite. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the social position of a publicist is undoubtedly manifested in their articles. According to the research results, the author describes a number of social groups («oligarchs», bureaucracy, entrepreneurs, «experts» and the middle class) that are closely interacting with the ruling elite and gives the characterization of their mutual relations. The author states that the term «oligarchs» denotes the part of the economic elite whose interests came into a contradiction with those of the political class, and this disagreement in its turn led to an open conflict.The relationship between the political class and the bureaucracy is complex and contradictory. The latter has a certain amount of independence, which forces the ruling elite to agree to a compromise or accept its unauthorized actions.Entrepreneurs are allies of the political class, which tries to burden the business community with various social obligations. This encumbrance in the eyes of the ruling elite seems to be a demand to repay the debt for the maximum favor. The Russian business does not hurry to return such debts.The life of the middle class in the eyes of the ruling elite goes beyond its main interests. The desire to gain support from the middle class cannot be called a stable trend in the behavior of elite groups, which could have a significant impact on the process of making political decisions. All this shows that certain changes are needed to be established, and they are possible only due to socio-economic or political metamorphosis (for example, a serious increase in the political activity of the middle class).References
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