Value-meaning sphere of personality: essence, determinants, mechanisms of development
personal meaning, values of personality, value contexts, meaningful relations, self-determination, meaning regulation of personalityAbstract
The paper deals with the content-structural characteristics of the value-meaning sphere of the individual in the conceptual variety of psychological approaches to definition of the essence of value-meaning phenomena. The author analyzes the humanistic personality-oriented potential of value-meaning entities, whose psychological nature in terms of the presented theoretical and empirical studies is understood as a condition for the development of an integrated complete personality in the dynamic conditioning of the individual, society and culture. The author substantiates the proposition about the multidimensionality of the determinative processes ofpersonality-meaning entities, due to their multiple conditionality by complex systems of relations embodying various properties, plans, foundations of the vital activity of the individual in their interdependence, interconnection and interaction. The study emphasizes that the variety of relationships determining the inclusion of the individual in various value and meaning-creating contexts, determines the need to identify the dominant relationships that determine dynamic characteristics of formation and development of personal meanings and values, sources and factors of determination of the value-meaning sphere of the individual.Functioning of the value-meaning sphere is defined as personal-meaning regulation at various psychological levels, such as self-awareness, emotional experiences, cognitive and volitional processes, behavior, activity, which determines the inner readiness of the individual to self-realization as a choice of certain means, ways of realizing and achieving the goals of life.The author comes to the conclusion that the psychological nature of values and meanings of personality can be fully revealed from the standpoint of existential analysis in substantiating the existence of selfdetermination of personality, determining the formation and maturity of value-meaning entities that function together as coordinated integrated systems of personal-meaning regulation in space of external and internal determinative processes of personality.References
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