Visual phenomenology of M. Merleau-Ponty
production of presence, visual studies, meaning, perception, hermeneutics, phenomenologyAbstract
This article represents the review of the main ideas and concepts of Merleau-Ponty, which refer to the analysis of the visual essence. In the beginning of this article the constitutive role of physicality will be shown. Due to the presence of the body, man is able to understand oneself and the world one is located. The body and the world are indissoluble, have the same nature, this is due to the possibility of perception.In the second part of the article the author shows how Merleau-Ponty understands the process of vision. For the philosopher ability to see itself is important, to see before thinking, to see, that is already a type of thinking. This type of seeing can be understood only in certain circumstances. Firstly, in a situation when one sees not a specific thing, but the entire visible horizon, the whole «scene». Secondly, it should be noted that «the seer»and «the seen» are always at a certain distance, vision is subjective and depends on «the seer». Further, in the third part of the article the reconstruction of the analysis of the painting which was held by Merleau-Ponty in his works is presented. The author gives special attention to the role of the artist. Painter has a special kind of view, he sees the world differently and in diffrent categories. Through the perception of the artist, one can understand how the world can fully capture «the seer».Through analysis of the painting, we open special measures of the visible world. The depth shows the arrangement of things relative to one another. Its anchor is a seeing eye. Color opens the materiality, palpability of surfaces, color is always paired with the quality of things, that it covers. The line or circuit on the painting make explicit the hidden sense of the non-existent border between things, which occurs only in the human eye.These and other categories of analysis of a work of art open to the philosopher the main sense of vision of the real world, on the other hand.The author of the article aims to show how understanding of the seeing in the works of Merleau-Ponty is revealed, and that it is a characteristic of the world and is the result of a specific juxtaposition of «the seer» and «the seen», «the man» and «the world».References
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