Development of verbal and cogitative activity of grade schoolchildren with natural bilingualism
bilingualism, monolingualism, verbal and cogitative activity, speech development, grade schoolchildren, intensive/extensive development, integration of different types of cogitationAbstract
The article shows the results of the empirical study of verbal and mental activity of grade schoolchildrenbilinguals (acquisition of two languages since early childhood as a result of language communication in the bilingual environment: the Udmurt-Russian (30 people), the Tatar-Russian (20 people)) and monolinguals with Russian as a native language (only 25 people). The authors had an assumption that verbal and mental activity of children with natural bilingualism when coming from preschool institution to comprehensive school is developed through efficient conception thinking in comparison with monolingual children with extensive development of verbal and cogitative activity through integration of different types of thinking. Speech development, conceptual intuitive thinking, conceptual logical thinking, conceptual speech thinking, conceptual figurative thinking, abstract thinking were measured by means of methodological tools. Data were processed with the help of mathematical statistics: descriptive statistics, one-dimensional and multidimensional one-factorial dispersive analysis (ANOVA). The author concludes that verbal and cogitative activity of grade schoolchildren-bilinguals with native non-russian language develops by intensive formation of conception thinking when spontaneous and everyday concepts of native and Russian languages in the course of studying transit into the scientific category, so, they are realized by the child, as well as they change in structure, all of these means thathigher functional level generalization takes place. This process of grade schoolchildren with Russian as a native language who are socialized in the linguistic environment, is characterized by extensive development through integration of different types of thinking and/or transition from conceptual and figurative to conceptual logical thinking because of acquisition of the leading studying-cognitive work.References
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