The problem of historical memory in modern philosophy



  • Dmitriy Olegovich Kvyatkovskiy M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University (Chukotka branch), 3, Studencheskaya str., Anadyr, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, 689000, Russia



history, modern philosophy, historical memory, philosophical discourse, historical past, symbol, religion, secularization


This research work analyzes the concept of historical memory in contemporary scientific and philosophical discourse. Modern time is characterized by the increasing philosophical interest to the problems of historical past and collective memory, which are the mechanisms for the society’s comprehension of its past, occurring on the basis of intersubjective reflection and implemented through phenomenological practice. The article considers thephilosophical discourse regarding the problem of historical memory and collective past associated with the names of R. Koselleck, K. Löwith, H. Blumenberg, J.A. Barash, who are little known for Russian intellectual circles. The debate between Levitt and Blumenberg, as well as works by contemporary theorists of the history of philosophy showed the complexity of the phenomenon of historical memory and the place that religious components takein it. The seriousness of the discussion underlines the current significance of the problem of history in philosophy as a relation of the historical past to the collective memory, and, most importantly, reveals the plurality of content and approaches to understanding the historical memory phenomenon. A special approach to the analysis of historical memory was developed and implemented in Russian philosophy, in particular by N. Berdyaev. The generaltrend in Russian philosophy regarding the philosophical concept of history was the idea of the primacy of the spiritual and religious principle. The scientific research conducted allows us to identify and understand the most essential trends that take place in social life in its historical dynamics.

Author Biography

Dmitriy Olegovich Kvyatkovskiy , M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University (Chukotka branch), 3, Studencheskaya str., Anadyr, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, 689000, Russia

Doctor of Philosophy,Professor of the Department of General Disciplines


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