Theories of values and problem of integrity of the person’s worldview
axiology, deontology, methodology, truth, value, axiological theories, need, interest, personalityAbstract
The article examines the interdependence of issues of personal integrity and answers to methodological questions of axiology, which emerged in classical and non-classical paradigm. Article reviews the history of axiology from the standpoints of defining its subject, main categories and areas, functions, searching for a common methodology, creatinga common and a broad typology of values, which provide the solution of practical problems. Author explains the reasons of the increased interest to philosophy of I. Kant, and describes theoretical localization of values according to the classical approach, which creates value situation formed by three components: estimator, estimate and estimation. In itsturn, this approach forms such concepts of values as Subjective-objectivist; Objectivist and voluntaristic.These opinions in the discourse of the classical approach tend to unity, while post-non-classical personalistic models appears as their result and support the pluralism of theories in the discourse of the theory of values. The article argues the statement about paradoxical nature of values: source of values is the mind and, at the same time, the person acts in accordance with the primordial existential preferences. A significant factor of this are the discrepancy between the ethical and practical aspects, the ambiguity of the relationship of ethical rules and principles of ethics and the empirical, the contradictory process of formation of ethical responsibility. Ontological aspect allows to determine the nature and identify the sources and functions of values; in the epistemological aspect, the value is considered as an essential element of the process of cognition; in the anthropological aspect values are the result of existential meanings. Overall, the playback source query into a General theory of values and the corresponding common methodology is the personality and society.References
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