The theme of communication and communicative concepts of the existential-phenomenological tradition in psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychology
existential-phenomenological tradition, communication, dialog, psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychology, empathy, understandingAbstract
The paper discusses the communicative concepts of the existential-phenomenological tradition, their transformation from philosophy to psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychology. The author analyses the philosophical theory of communication and the communicative methodology of existential psychotherapy and psychology. The author proceeds from the statement that the communication theory of consultative psychology and psychotherapy comes from philosophy and includes methodological base, ontological and gnoseological levels, and theory of man. Communication theory is based on the principles of phenomenology, which are transferred to the practical field of communication: the attention to man and his immediate experience; appeal to the concreteexistence; reduction from stereotypes and theories to experience; attention to the relationship of man with other people (being-with) and his living in the world; accentuation on the temporality of both the therapeutic situation and life in whole. The communicative theory of existential-phenomenological psychiatry is based on communicative methodology, while communicative practice supplements the theory. In existential-phenomenological practice, to help a person get well means to help him establish communication with the world of objects and other people. Communicative concepts used in theory and practice denote not the characteristics of interaction, but the components of the method. They are more eclectic than ontological or anthropological concepts and refer to methodology and anthropology. At the same time, the non-directivity of tradition contributes to a-conceptuality: thepatient himself, his situation and his problem become guidelines for the therapeutic work.References
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