Types of sensitivity to justice in women having malignancies of the reproductive system
Psycho-Oncology, justice, sensitivity to justice, the victim, the observer, the beneficiary, the violator, personal features, experience, the self-attitudeAbstract
This research is devoted to studying the types of sensitivity to justice of women having malignancies of the reproductive system. The authors believe that such emotional experience of injustice can cause a post-traumatic stress and start the mechanisms promoting the development of malignancies in women. Different types of experience of unfair situations, namely the victim, the violator, the beneficiary and the observer choose different behavioral strategies of an exit from traumatic experience after suffering injustice. In this work, the following techniques have been used: M. Smitt’s Justice Sensitivity Inventory adapted by S.K. Nartov-Bochaver andN.B. Astanina, a questionnaire allowing us to study social and demographic features of the respondents, the abridged multiple-factor questionnaire for investigating the personality «Mini-Mult», the test questionnaire of the self-attitude (V.V. Stolin, S.R. Panteleev). These techniques allow the authors to reveal personal featuresand the prevailing type of sensitivity to justice (the victim, the witness, the beneficiary and the violator) in women having malignancies of the reproductive system. According to the research results, more than a half of the sample group (women having malignancies of the reproductive system) demonstrate the «victim»-type sensitivity to justice. They are characterized by destruction of the self-concept, violation of the motivational sphere, difficulty in awareness of the requirements, uncertainty in decision-making, denial of responsibility for their life. This group shows behavior, relations, views and attitudes peculiar to the victim personality. The respondents with the «observer»-type sensitivity to justice do not show desire (readiness) to work on the current situation, they are indifferent. Concurrently, in case there is some work on restoration of the self-image, acceptance of oneself and development of internal stability, it is random and unsystematic. The respondents with the «violator»-type sensitivity have an unstable mood, show aggression, are inclined to conflicts, neglect social norms, and are characterized by obtusion of emotional experiences. The group with the «beneficiary»-type sensitivity to justice is characterized by the increased self-concern, show constant search for exterior support and more marked adaptation mechanisms of the personality.References
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