Freedom and responsibility as intrinsic forces of a person
freedom, responsibility, intrinsic forces, continuum, essence of the personAbstract
The author analyzes the problem of freedom and responsibility as intrinsic forces of a person, expressing one’s productive mode of being. Freedom is implanted in a human being as their internal activity, i.e. determination to go beyond the borders of the acquired and learned, to broaden relative independence from circumstances, toovercome historical limits. Ontological backgrounds of freedom are contained in self-organization of matter transferring itself from one level to another. A human, as a being having universal and general content, bearing in himself the main richness of content of all previous development steps, accumulates in himself a creativepower of the world — to be the cause of himself. A human transforms the deep levels of the organization of matter, which is an external aspect of human existence, but for matter in general it is an internal aspect of its development. Through the person, matter goes deep into itself, in the essence, and through steps of his (person’s) development comes to new higher levels, while the person develops his own life, his essence through transformation of the nature. Since in the development of the world it is possible to find orientation towards manifestation of the person, and in human history — orientation to deepening into the essence, the personbears responsibility for the course of events.References
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