Housing inequality as a reflection of social stratification (the example of three cities in Kirov Oblast)
housing stratification, housing cluster, social class, types of housing, housing inequality, quality of housingAbstract
Real estate in the modern era of consumer values can be seen as an adequate marker of an individual's position in the social hierarchy. At the same time, housing as a good has a number of characteristics that can be interpreted from the position of prestige and subjective assessments of comfort and quality. Therefore, it is relevant to identify and characterize the housing clusters of the population by their typical practices of disposal of real estate, to identify the ratio of socio-economic and housing status of citizens. The empirical basis of the study was the results of a semi-formalized survey of citizens, conducted in 2018 in three cities of Kirov Oblast: Kirov, Vyatka Polyany and Kirovo-Chepetsk. The author's classification, sociological "portraits" of the main housing strata of citizens, estimates of their occupancy in cities of different scales are presented. Factors in the formation of housing status are the scarce resources of housing (usable area, novelty, comfort indicators), as well as residents (opportunities for investment in housing, level of education and mobility). The population of the regional center of the region can be considered the most resourceful, as almost half of the citizens have a housing status above the basic and a balanced ratio of economic, housing and socio-cultural resources. The size of the city affects the prestige of neighborhoods, the presence of indicators of housing comfort and the occupancy of housing clusters. In cities of district scale, proximity to the center has almost no effect on the quality and prestige of housing. The most successful housing clusters are characterized by social closeness. Educational, economic and housing status in all clusters most often directly correlate with each other.References
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