Styles of business communication: the space of activity and professional realization of personality. Part 1
Business communication styles, interaction, professional realization, penal colony staff, nurses, managersAbstract
The relevance of the topic of this work, revealing the concept of business communication styles, is due to the significant current needs in the field of professional activity: staff selection is not from the position of the candidate's specialty, but in terms of his ability to solve specific problems; the selection is focused not on the individual subject, but on joint professional activity, taking into account the environmental factor; assessed and implemented not individual qualities of the individual, but a set of resources, etc. The aim of the study is a comparative analysis of business communication styles of prison staff, nurses and managers. Subject - styles of business communication of representatives of socionomic professions. Hypotheses: 1) the styles of business communication of the subjects are determined by environmental conditions; 2) in each specific environment there are style niches within which the subjects choose certain patterns of behavior. Research methods: interviewing experts, psychodiagnostics (test-questionnaires "Coping Behavior in Stress Situations" and "Questionnaire of Coping Methods" by T.L. Kryukova, 16-PF test by R.B. Kettell, questionnaire "Subjective Control Level"); research technique - questionnaire "Business Communication Styles" (BCS) by V.A. Tolochek. In this paper only the results obtained using the research methodology are considered. According to the results of factor analysis in each of the three samples six styles are distinguished, the features of which are determined by environmental conditions. This confirms the working hypotheses.References
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