Psychometric characteristics of the Short Questionnaire of the Dark Triad
psychometrics, validity, reliability, personality traits, Dark Triad, Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy, IRTAbstract
In recent years, the study of negative personality traits has aroused the interest of researchers. One example is the complex of three personality traits: Machiavellianism, Narcissismus and Psychopathy, which is referred to as the Dark Triad. The study of this phenomenon is also associated with the creation of diagnostic tools to measure the traits that make up the Dark Triad. The article presents the psychometric foundations of the "Short Questionnaire of the Dark Triad" and two versions of the questionnaire, adapted on the Russian sample. The study consists of sequential psychometric testing procedures, including retest reliability analysis, questionnaire structure, and assessment of individual items using the IRT. The aim of the study is to assess the psychometric quality of the questionnaire using classical (linear) and non-linear methods. The sample consisted of 459 people (69.5% were women). Two versions of the questionnaire were created: full (27 items) and adjusted (18 items). The structure of the adapted variants in general coincides with the original questionnaire. We found sufficient reliability for the traits of the Dark Triad (Machiavellianism - 0.72; Narcissism - 0.75 and Psychopathy - 0.65), which is consistent with the data of other studies. Retest reliability showed reproducibility of the results. A comparison of Machiavellianism, Narcissism, and Psychopathy with personality traits on the NEHASO-60 questionnaire shows negative correlations with Honesty-Preference to Deception, Emotionality, and Benevolence. The results suggest that both versions of the questionnaire are acceptable for diagnosing the traits that make up the Dark Triad.References
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