Trust as the Foundation of the Doctor-Patient Relationship in Modern Medicine: A Philosophical and Anthropological Interpretation
Doctor-patient relationship, the phenomenon of trust, modern medicine, ontological foundations of trust, ational trust, irrational trustAbstract
The principle of trust, which is the direct basis of constructive informal human relations, ceases to be an independent and sufficient basis under the formalization of social relations. In the course of institutionalization of social processes, normative principles of legal regulation become the basis of formal relations between people. The phenomenon of trust is viewed as the basis of direct communication between people and as an element mediated by the norms of legal (or contractual) relations. In the process of reproducing formal (mediated) relations, a situation of trust deficit between people arises, and instead of a culture of trust, a culture of distrust is born. This problem is fully developed in one of the most important spheres of human activity - medicine. The article presents a philosophical and anthropological interpretation of the status and role of trust in doctor-patient relations in modern medicine, defining its ontological status and forms of existence in the modern sociocultural situation. As a result of the conducted research, the conclusion was made that at present, in the conditions of a change of the ethical paradigm in medicine, a transformation of the phenomenon of trust in the model of "doctor-patient" relations is taking place, where irrational trust is being replaced by rational trust. The problem of trust is actualized in the situation when a person is waiting for medical care, but receives a service within the current institution of health care. In modern medicine, irrational trust, associated with the patient's desire for safety, should be recognized as the basis of trust in the doctor. In order to preserve irrational trust under conditions of depersonalization of medicine, a philosophical understanding of the "displacement" of bases and meanings in the model of the "doctor-patient" relation is necessary.References
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